Winter Wonderland: Top 5 Reasons to Visit Norway in Winter

Although summer may be the peak tourist season, there are plenty of reasons to visit Norway in the colder months! This post lists the top five reasons why you should consider visiting Norway in winter.

Top Reasons to Visit Norway in Winter

1) Admire the beauty of the northern lights

Witnessing the mesmerizing display of the northern lights – also known as the aurora borealis – is an unforgettable experience. Northern Norway offers prime viewing opportunities for this amazing natural phenomenon. During the long nights of winter, when the sky is clear, the northern lights paint the sky with green, purple, and red streaks, creating a breathtaking spectacle.

I was lucky enough to catch these lights right in Oslo, but the north of Norway offers a much better chance of an aurora sighting.

If you’re interested, you can check out my guide to photographing the northern lights!

2) Experience the adrenaline rush of Norway’s many winter sports

Norway is a paradise for winter sports enthusiasts. Whether you’re an experienced skier, snowboarder, or snowshoer, or just a beginner, Norway’s many picturesque slopes and trails cater to all levels of experience. From the world-class ski resorts of Hemsedal and Trysil to the off-the-beaten-path cross-country skiing routes in the Norwegian countryside, there’s no shortage of opportunities to enjoy winter sports on Norway’s snowy landscapes.

Skiing at Oslo Vinterpark Tryvann in Norway
Norway is a great place for a ski vacation!

3) Embark on a scenic winter fjord cruise

Fjord cruises are understandably popular in the summer, but a winter cruise along Norway’s majestic fjords is a unique experience. Many tour operators offer winter fjord cruises that give you the opportunity to sit under cozy blankets and sip warm drinks as you marvel at the breathtaking views passing by.

View from a winter fjord cruise in Norway
The views from a winter fjord cruise in Norway were a highlight of my trip.

4) Explore Norway’s festive winter cities

There may not be much sun, but Norway’s cities still come alive with holiday cheer during the winter months. Twinkling lights and decorations line the streets of many Norwegian cities in the winter, creating a magical atmosphere and inviting visitors to immerse themselves in the holiday spirit. Many cities, including Oslo, Bergen, and Trondheim, host Christmas markets where you can sip gløgg (or mulled wine), sample traditional Norwegian treats, and browse for traditional crafts and other gifts to give to your friends and family back home.

5) Experience Norwegian hygge

Embracing the Norwegian concept of hygge, or coziness, is one of my favorite parts of winter. Curling up by a crackling fireplace with hot cocoa after a day of outdoor adventures is the peak of winter comfort. Whether you opt for a traditional wooden cabin in the mountains or a snug boutique hotel in the city, Norway offers plenty of opportunities for you to embrace hygge and unwind in warmth and comfort.

Enjoying a snack and a warm drink is an important part of the Norwegian hygge experience.

Norway’s winters may be cold, but they are also incredibly beautiful and offer the potential for plenty of unique travel experiences. From witnessing the northern lights to enjoying thrilling winter sports activities to embracing the cozy atmosphere of Norwegian cities, there are plenty of reasons why you should consider a winter visit to Norway – so bundle up, pack your long underwear, and embark on a journey to discover the magic of the Norwegian winter!

For more to do in Norway, check out this post on some bucket-list experiences you can have in this amazing country.

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